British elections

The first political debate between David Cameron and Ed Miliband has indicated the intellectual predominance of the current Prime Minister. For the British media, the Conservative Prime Minister was the winner.

Ed Miliband evolved to a better speaker, in contrast to the weaknesses he expressed during his early service, as the leader of the Labour Party. Even though David Cameron is presented himself as a more qualified Prime Minister, suitable to handle the critical times of the economy in Britain, the electoral polls portend a struggle.
British elections in May 2015 will be politically polarized. Polls’ vulnerability is indicating of the critical voting, as well as the societal polarization.
Cameron’s cabinet faced a tough service during the previous period. The critical economy and the challenges in the field of Foreign Affairs, not failing societal issues, were demanding of controversial manipulations. The handlings do not left a clear victory imprint for conservatives. This is the big issue for David.
In the economy, the reduction of budget deficits and the retrenchment were the main axis of the conservative economic policy. Ed’s Labour, on the other hand, condemned this approach and asked for increases in public spending. This is the main electoral juxtaposition. Economy will define the voting.
The polls indicate vulnerable trends, as there is fluctuation concerning party predominance.
An important issue is the course that UKIP is recording. In contrast to the previous high rates, UKIP is showing low yield, a fact that is encouraging for the moderation of the political climate in the end of the day.
UKIP is an ultra right, populist, nationalist political party, which absorbed disaffection and highlighted the reducing political trust in British political context.

Now, in Europe, populism seems to occupy space in the political sphere and to claim votes. In the wake of the economic crisis and due to the geopolitical instability in the European field, populist political parties tend to create a vote strategy. Across Europe, right and left populist leaders managed to convince the public to turn against the governing moderate political parties, blaming them for economic and political instability. The public sensed fear and uncertainty due to the financial crises and to high rates of unemployment and turned to the rhetoric of populism. UKIP polling increase was one of the examples.
Concerning the extreme right politics, French “National Front”, Greek “Independent Greeks” are also the examples of the increasing penetration of extreme right populism to society. The raise of the “Golden Dawn”, Greek Nazi party is perhaps among the most regrettable political consequences of the extended crisis.
Regional elections in France indicated the wide defeat of Lepen. Nicolas Sarkozi, a strong supporter of the right rhetoric, undertook the UMP leadership, at a time in which the need to address the extreme right was the priority for the party. 

Concerning the leftist politics, “Syriza” in Greece gained the general elections, “Podemos” compete hard with “Partido Polular” and Mariano Rajoy.
In Greece, the 2015 general elections created a populist governing product, that struggles to be loyal to electoral rhetoric and to the European regularity. Left and right populist parties govern Greece, seeking the least destructive pace.
Syriza, the leftish party, won the centre right New Democracy, and chose “Independent Greeks” as its coalition partner. Government is a general perspective question about the direction of policy in a state. That is for sure.
There is always the fear of the underlying strengthening political edge, but the need to redress economy; the deep political moderation and the delivery of consensus prevent the political extremes going to the government. It is thought that the leaders of the governing coalition in Greece do not frighten the public during electoral period.
Alexis Tsipras (Syriza), a strong reminder of Andreas Papandreou, who was a charismatic leader of the Greek social democracy during 1980s and1990s, indicated today the political trend, feelings and ideology that the Greeks had experienced before. There is no actual fear when somebody assigns the populist present with a political precedent that had effortlessly forced to systemicity.
Panos Kammenos (Independent Greeks), former cabinet member of New Democracy, was not considered as potential to contribute to the government.  Syriza has the full responsibility for anointing Panos Kammenos Defence Minister.

In British context David Cameron, combining successfully the prosperity of the British economy and the traditional conservative Euroskepticism, will push back the attention of voters from UKIP. Moreover, Cameron has included the question of strict immigration policy in public debate.
This will not be attractive for the voters of the British coalition partner, Liberal Democrats. The wastage of Liberal Democrats, which have been politically covered from Cameron’s politics, will alienate voters, which it is very likely to vote for Labour.
Ed may not be as centrist to dispose of liberal, but is now a clear option in contrast to Cameron. Ed apparently gains also votes from Greens. Cameron is experiencing a difficult election period. As he struggles to weaken UKIP, so Miliband will take over the political centre. 

How willing is Miliband to accommodate centrist votes?
What is the estimation of the British on the prosperity of the economy in Cameron?
What Cameron acceptance stocks in society, today five years after his service.
What Cameron acceptance stocks in conservative electoral base, today ten years after his service as a leader.

Veni Mouzakiari
Veni Mouzakiari
Phd Candidate at the department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia. Political consultant